Sunday, October 30, 2011

Thank You Jesus, Jakes & Joel

Ever heard someone say "Don't waste your breath."? For me that comment illustrates the point that life is short and we only have so many breaths to take. Bear with me here, I'm not being morbid, but our days are numbered.

Life is short and the more music I remember from the 80s reminds how much of mine I've lived. Everything that happened in the 80s is more than 20 years ago. And I was solidly  in that era.

Things I used to stress about, insecurities that plagued me, pipe dreams whose smoke kept me awake-- they don't anymore. And I owe it all to Jesus, Jakes and Joel.

Whatever your faith, have faith and believe in it. I don't frequent church as regularly as I once did, but being in a place of worship made a difference for me. Gathering with a community of believers was cathartic. 

When I was a regular churchgoer, my pastor's message always, without fail, made a deposit into my hope account. I was reminded of that when visiting southside Chicago's dynamic ministry at St. Sabina with a friend.

There was joyous music, tears were shed and special prayers were said for children without fathers en masse. To not have felt something in that environment would have required pulselessness.

Anyway I moved  a state away from my church "home" and never joined another now five years ago.

Some refer to it as being a "Bedside Baptist", but  I tune into Bishop T.D. Jakes or Joel Osteen for good measure. I don't care your age, gender, race or religion, you can get something worthwhile listening to these men. 

Bishop T.D. Jakes

For a dose of reality and a shot of grace, I'll watch Bishop T.D. Jakes who tells it like it is, forces you to confront your culpability in whatever "situation" you may find yourself in and leads you to the throne of grace for redemption. He reminds you that whatever you've done, no matter how far you've fallen or down you may be, there's a Father in heaven who will help you.

Pastor Joel Osteen

Pastor Joel Osteen-- well Joel can be counted on to share the Good News. His upbeat message reminds me in whose image I'm made and that no matter how tough the going gets, that part of me is the bigger dog in any fight I'm in.

So what does this have to do with being on a budget you may be thinking.

Your time is the most valuable commodity you have.

Wasting it in sadness, struggling with untenable situations or people, swimming upstream when you don't have to all lead to stress, not living one's life to the fullest and a host of other maladies.

Living faith-filled and stress free saves on health costs. You're less likely to be pursuing the Joneses and trying to keep up with what cannot be kept up with. Most faith-filled people I know view aging as a blessing and not something to war against. They take care of their temple with temperance, good food-both digestable and spiritually speaking-- and practice moderation, generally speaking.

Once you face that you are the only one in a given situation that you can control or change, and really own that truth, it is truly liberating.

Jesus, Jakes and Joel each remind me of that. And for it, I am wholly and forevermore grateful.

(And that's for free.)


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