Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One Thing You Must Afford: To Leave An Abusive Relationship

1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
National Center for Domestic Violence
I'm mad as hell after so many deaths in the news this week as a result of domestic violence. Four women are dead, plus one is missing with suspected foul play. These women were young, old, rich, poor, white, black and brown.

I don't know that they stayed in these relationships because they thought they couldn't afford to leave. But very often you'll hear finances are a reason many abused women choose to stay.

Truth is, you can't afford not to leave.

Starting over with "nothing" can seem a bleak prospect. But it can be done.  There's help. Ask and keep asking.

The National Center for Domestic Violence helpline is a great place to start 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

A millionaire builder convicted of shooting his wife to death will be sentenced at a later time.,0,7210126.story

An abuser called 911 to report he'd set his girlfriend on fire.,0,7632094.story

A woman who was living at her place of employment because she was abused-- a dry cleaners-- was found dead.

A young woman, en route to a custody hearing, is now missing for nearly a week now.
