Monday, October 24, 2011

Some of the Best Things In Life are Still Free

One of them is a library card.

As a cinephile, I watch at least three movies a week. At first I was using where you can rent movies for just $1 a night. Pretty good-- even if you neglect to turn it in the next day.

But when you're counting every dollar, $3 dollars a week is $12 a month. That's $144 a year, a month's worth of groceries for me. One of my goals is to see every "Best Picture" Oscar winner ever made. I've found a free way to do just that.

For the cost it takes me to drive there, I rent movies from the local library for the week. Quiet as it's kept, new releases are shelved every Tuesday. 

While there I look at the latest magazines for ideas on home design and fashion and may check out a reference book or two. (I'm especially interested in selling on ebay these days and there are some"how to" titles available.)

I've also taken a few classes in Excel. I'm actually up to level three now. You'll find classes are offered for a variety of interests-- blogging even!

Once you find your nearest library, check out their calendar of events. If you don't see anything that interests you, suggest it. Better still, submit your name to teach what you know how to do best.

In addition to movies, you can select blue rays, cds, books on tapes, ebooks and MP3s. Oh yeah, I forgot, you can still check out real hard back books.
What's more, some libraries even offer at-home delivery if what you're looking for isn't on the shelves for no fee at all. You can always use a desktop computer or take your laptop and use the free wi-fi.

Remember that libraries have fees for late returns. I signed up for the online reminder and get a text sent to my cell phone when due dates are approaching.

Fees add up, so be sure to turn your items in on time.

Visit your local library online. Here's a link to public libraries by state.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Zoe! I LOOOOOVE my local library! :) It was a great help when my at-home printer wasn't working properly and then when I didn't have Internet service at home (or wireless plan). I researched my local library and found that it had 25-30 public-use computers and several printers. I was able to use Microsoft Office products, access the Internet, print and then make necessary copies. And when I needed to print documents, I was able to do so in black & white AND in color for FREE! Wow, I must admit, I never really knew the library could be that helpful to my personal business and professional business needs! Local libraries really rock... and not just for children but adults as well!

    Thanks again Zoe for the great money-saving tips and reminders of all of the great (and FREE) opportunities right in our own backyards!! :)
